jeudi 21 octobre 2021

New action plan on homelessness

 The new interministerial action plan on homelessness is now available (in French) on this link:

This provincial plan, "s'allier devant l'itinérance", is presented after the federal plan "Vers un chez-soi: la stratégie canadienne de lutte contre l'itinérance"  Budgets for each action are in parenthesis in Million canadian dollars, over the five years covered by the plan.  (0M) indicate that the measure is part of the mission of the ministry or government organisation's mandate so they do not require additional money.

14 actions are exlained in this 80 pages document, covering 2021 to 2026.

Action 1.1  The Société d'Habitation du Québec will reseve 100 units for 18 years-old youth who exit youth institutions for misadapted youth.(7.4M)

1.2  increase the qualification des jeunes program, for 18 years olds (34M)

1.3  more management of assets of homeless youth (0M)

2  temporary leaves from institutions or prisons (0M)

3.1  improve addiction services (40M)

3.2  improve long term care for the homeless (0M)

4.1  promotion among the general population, to fight stigmatization  (0.9M)

5.1  modify housing programs (0M)

5.2  housing for the homeless (12.15M)

5.3  escorts to help find housing (57.5M)

6.1  obtain emergency and transitory housing  (43M)

6.2  obtain emergency housing for women  (10M)

6.3  services close to the homeless population  (30M)

6.4  helping those who lack a medicare card or need emergency care (0M)

7.1  sustain voluntary curatorship (2.5M)

7.2  help obtain welfare doccumentation, identify needs - research project 36,000$)

8.1  write a guide for professionnals about how to guide towards school or work (2.5M)

8.2  develop an "Individual placement and support" program (5M)

8.3 street wise special school (0.9M)

9.1  social workers working with police  (unknown at this time)

9.2  "programme accompagnement justice"  already available at 22 courthouses or districts (0.3M)

9.3  examine the procedures of the DPCP (director of criminal and penal procedures) (0M)

10  for indians (first poeple) (14M)

11  better housing services (0M)

12  courses for addiction counsillors

13  to better understand the homeless problem:  13.1 study the problem (3M)  13.2 propose research projects (4.3M)

14  Better indicate the roles and responsability of actors in the health and social services field : (0M)

Total cost 277M$